The little brother of Olymp is made of the same spruce wood, the same fittings and, of course, made with the same care. Can be easily adjusted for AMAZONAS hammocks from 250 to 330 cm in length. Able to withstand a load of up to 160 kg.
Amazonas hammocks and accessories are the market leader in ethical hammock manufacturing. Promoting ethical trading with recycled materials bound by quality has made them one of the world's leading hammock manufactures. With over 20 year's of experience, quality and care goes into every single hammock, stand and accessory.
Key Features
- Convenient
- Amazonas have over 20 years worth of experience with manufacturing hammocks, outdoor chairs and accessories
- Comes with everything to hang your chair or hammock
22 kgs
357 x 131 x 104 cms
Maximum Weight Capacity
160 kgs
Primary Material
Spruce Wood
Weather Resistant